Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fibro Fog

Excuse any stupidities in my post today. I haven't posted lately because the fibromayalgia has had some heavy fibro fog settled in for me. Yesterday I went to the grocery store and got up to the checkout with no wallet in my purse. I went home, found the wallet, made a phone call and went back to the store with the wallet still not in my purse. I realized it when I was getting out of the car at the store. So my Monday afternoon was filled by making 3 trips to the grocery store and one trip to the gas station.
I am more absent minded than a 90 year old woman and I have trouble keeping the days straight when the fog is this thick. It is a bit worse this time too because I have a cold.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog. I have fibro, too. I am a homeschooling mom and have a lot of foggy days! I am following you now. Come check out my blog when you get a chance!

